This is getting serious. There is a chance that the therapy cap exceptions process will not be extended after the end of March.
If this stands:
- Use of the KX modifier to charge for medically necessary services above the cap provided after March 31, 2014 will not be allowed
- Medicare will not pay any more than $1920 for PT/Speech combined, or more than $1920 for OT for all of 2014
- It will have a huge financial impact on your practice, and, more importantly, would be devastating for your patients who need your care the most.
What You Need to Do Now:
- Ask your patients, friends and family for help. Ask them to let Congress know that the arbitrary, unfair Therapy Cap needs to end now. The APTA has provided a resource to make this easy for them to do: Stop the Therapy Cap
- If you are an APTA member, click here and take action: Legislative Action Center
Your patients deserve Your Great Care.
You deserve to get paid for Your Great Care.